Here you can find the most frequently asked questions!
- Where is my order?
- Am I in the appropriate area to submit an order?
- At what times can my order be delivered with a Kiwibot?
- Do I need to do anything when an order is delivered?
- How can I place an order to be delivered by Kiwibot?
- How can I report a missing or incorrect item from my order?
- How do I open and close the Kiwibot door?
- How do I request a refund?
- Is Kiwibot recording during the operation?
- What can I do if my order is too large and won't fit in a single bot?
- What do I do if I see a Kiwibot vandalized?
- What is a Kiwer?
- What is a Kiwibot?
- What is Kiwibot?
- What restaurants is Kiwibot currently doing deliveries from?
- What should I do if I can't open the robot's lid? 😅
- What should I do if I don't receive my order?
- Where can I go during a Kiwibot order if I have questions?
- Why and what can I do if my order is taking more time than expected?